Subject Guides

How to get a Distinction in Junior Cycle Maths

By Stephen Begley

Junior Cycle Maths is a busy course which seeks to turn you into an all-rounder mathematician – one that can deal with mathematical ideas and concepts and then apply these to problem-solve. In this guide, Maths teacher Stephen Begley shares his tips on how to do well for your Junior cycle!

How am I assessed? 

You will be assessed in four main ways throughout Junior Cycle – CBA1, CBA2, The Assessment Task and the Final Exam. You will complete two CBAs; one in 2nd year and one in 3rd year.

Each CBA will be graded by your class teacher, who will give you one of the following descriptors for your work:

  • Exceptional

  • Above Expectations

  • In-line with Expectations

  • Below Expectations

The Assessment Task and Final Exam is corrected by Examiner for the State Examinations Commission, and these will form your overall grade for the subject.

This grade can be the folllowing: 

  • Distinction

  • Higher Merit

  • Merit

  • Achieved

  • Partially Achieved

Your overall grade will appear on your Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement along with your two CBA grade descriptors.

How to study Maths

Make a plan

Narrow down the topics and sections you need to work on and build your plan around these. Use your chapter tests, Christmas tests and summer tests to see what needs work. Don’t say you’re going to study ‘Algebra’ tonight, narrow it down to something specific such as ‘factorising quadratics’ or ‘adding algebraic fractions and work specifically on that area.

Each study session should focus on one idea or subtopic – don’t try and bite off more than you can chew. Small, targeted bursts of revision done often are the key to success.


Practicing questions = studying maths 

It is as simple as that. The most effective way to study a section is to practice questions on it. Now I don’t mean do all the easy questions on a section and build a false sense of security. I mean for you to start on the basic questions and then quickly progress on the more difficult ones. When you struggle with a question and push/work through it to the end is where the learning will happen.

Start with questions in your textbook then move on to the exam paper questions. Regularly practicing exam-style questions will get you into the habit of their layout and the level of the challenge expected.

For more tips on how to do well, read Stephen's full guide below:

For more tips on tackling your Maths CBA 1, click the button below!

Make sure to check out our blog on how to use our JC Maths solution videos here 

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