Subject Guides

How to get a H1 in the Leaving Cert Geography Exam

By Muireann W. - 3 minute read

Geography requires a skill far greater than just having the ability to memorize pre-written essays. In this blog, Muireann goes through her top tips and tricks on getting a H1 in this subject.


While this may seem like a no-brainer,  proper organisation of your notes and study for the Geography exam is essential. Whether you keep your notes in a copy or a folder, putting in the effort to have them together and writing them as you cover new material in class will be hugely beneficial to you in the long run. Particularly, when your class has finished the course as you can allocate all your study time to just revising and ensuring you have everything covered before the exam. 

Personally, I would recommend having all your essays together with each SRP distinct from each other, such as putting them in bullet points. I would also compile my notes under each section i.e. physical geography, then subdivided them under certain topics i.e Plate tectonics to make them quickly accessible. Once the course is finished, you should have your own short, summarized ‘geography book’ which should effectively have in it everything you have done in class and need to know before the exam. 

Using all resources at your disposal

What is important to realise is that the information you can use in Geography is not limited to the conventional means of textbooks and revision books. While they may be convenient, there are many others sources of useful information. There are youtube videos, blogs and sites dedicated to precise topics in geography which sometimes gives a better overall comprehension on geographical terms and information. Consequently, allowing you to gain much more memorable facts to use in essays. There is also many links to such websites on Studyclix!

Participate in class

Listening, asking questions and doing any assigned work is essential in being able to have a quick grasp on topics and learning course material for the long run. In doing so, you will save yourself time as you won't be trying to learn as much of it on your own time!

Understanding the exam paper

Geography is undoubtedly a time constraining exam, which can  be made even more difficult by it’s layout and its vast range of questions. Therefore, being well prepared  by familiarising yourself through timed practise questions and reading through past papers is must! That will ultimately ensure you know what your doing on the day and ultimately, save you time.

Test Yourself To Prove You're Learning

In addition to practicing past papers, Studyclix's Quizzes are a great (and fun!) tool to help test your knowledge. They can help you figure out what you know already and what topics you need to work harder on. Take the test and see how you get on!


It's true that some questions seem to come up frequently or in patterns. However, never bank on anything coming up! Always make sure you have enough covered to ensure that even if you favourite questions doesn't make an appearance, your still confident you have plenty to questions to choose from and that  you will not be sitting in an exam spiraling into a panic!


For more tips and tricks, read our Geography Guide by clicking the button below.

Best of luck with the exam - if you work hard, you will be rewarded!

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