Subject Guides

How to Succeed in your Junior Cycle Business CBA

- 4 minute read

Looking for some inspiration for your Junior Cycle Business Studies CBAs? We've got you covered! Our expert business teacher, Róisín, has devised two CBA guides, one for each CBA, to help you out. Róisín's guides are filled with a breakdown of the process, tips, and templates for your research! Check out some of Róisín's tips below!

Creating your action plan for CBA 1

CBA1 is a group project based on one of three topics: Enterprise in Action, Economics in Action or Finance in Action. You need an action plan for this group project so that you are organised and get the process completed efficiently! This should include how you're going to complete a number of activities including conducting research, evaluating information, developing action plans, and reporting findings. This is a group project but all students must actively contribute to the activities, and conduct and evaluate their own research!

Topic selection for CBA 1

You must decide between the three topics for CBA1. These three topics are Enterprise in Action, Economics in Action and Finance in Action. Many students like Enterprise in Action as it tends to be the easiest topic to brainstorm, with the group having lots of ideas to choose from! It's important to make this decision together as a group.

Completing your Written Report

CBA1 will be presented as a written report. This written report must include a number of elements: an introduction, a rationale for the project, an explanation of the group's research methods, an evaluation of your group's research findings, an action plan for implementing these findings, a conclusion and recommendations, and finally a reflection from each group member. Róisín's full guide explains each of these elements in greater detail.

CBA 2: Investigation and presentation on a business-related topic

CBA2 takes place in 2nd year, it's an opportunity to apply your knowledge and understanding to real-life settings in your investigation. You'll also develop communication skills with the presentation. You'll investigate and then present your findings on a business-related topic. This topic is for you to choose and can be anything of local or personal relevance, once it's business-related! Some ideas are: a field trip to a local enterprise, leaders in the Irish business field, or careers in business. You should try and choose a topic that genuinely interests you as we can assure you this will make the process much easier!

The importance of quality research

Both CBAs require you to research. In CBA1 everyone in the group will have to conduct research and our CBA1 guide includes a template for this research. In CBA2 you'll also research and investigate your chosen topic. Before beginning your research, think about what you already know about the chosen topic and this will help guide you with what you need to research. Your research you should include both primary and secondary research. It's crucial that you ensure your secondary research sources are reliable!

Reflection is key!

As you're probably noticing across all your JC subjects, reflection is a key aspect of your CBAs. Once the CBA is complete you must take time to reflect on your experience of completing it. In your first CBA you need to reflect on the group project experience, such as how you contributed to the different elements and how you worked as a group. For CBA2 you must reflect on your learning, what you learned about the business environment, does this make you see the world differently, and has your behaviour changed since engaging with your chosen topic? Your personal opinion in these reflections is vital and will produce authentic reflections!

Presentation Do's and Don't's !

In CBA2 you will present what you've learned about the topic you chose. This is a chance to demonstrate your understanding of your chosen topic and it'll be no longer than 3 minutes, followed by some questions from your audience. Here are some do's and don't's for that presentation:

  • Practise your presentation regularly

  • Use flashcards with brief notes

  • Engage with your audience and make eye contact

  • Overload your slides with text - instead keep it short and concise !

  • Read directly from flashcards

  • Rush - try to take deep breaths and take your time!

To read Róisín's full CBA1 Business guide, click the link below. 

Then, to read Róisín's full CBA2 Business guide, click the link below.

If you're looking for help with your Business Studies exam, check out our 'How to get a Distinction in Junior Cycle Business Studies' guide here.

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