How do I get to these solution videos?
To find these videos, follow these steps:
- Go your Homepage
- Click the subject of Physics
- Click on the topic you want to study
- Scroll down to see the videos linked underneath the questions!
Our Leaving cert Physics expert students and teachers have been working hard over the past few months to create these new Physics solution videos just for you! These videos tackle the trickiest higher level Physics questions from the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 state exams and will give you the boost you need to do well in this subject!
To find these videos, follow these steps:
You can also find samples of these videos on our Youtube channel here
We have done our best to identify some of the topics students struggle with when they are studying Physics so you can find a lot of our videos in the following topics:
These videos will help with the following areas:
We have found that the best way to study is to briefly study the topic and then try out a question first before looking at a solution, and only when you're very stuck, look at the answer. Therefore, I suggest you:
First read over the topic/chapter essentials in your textbook
Try doing out the question without seeking help
If you don't succeed, watch the video tutorial on how to answer the question and learn how it's done
Finally, if you want more tips on how to do well in Leaving cert Physics, check out H1 guide here
You can also listen to our podcast:
Good luck with the study and don't hesitate to get in contact if you need any help or have any questions!