
How to get a Distinction in the Junior Cycle Geography exam

By Stephen Doyle - 11 minute read

Stephen Doyle is an experienced teacher and examiner and in this guide, he will share his tips and tricks for excelling in Junior Cycle Geography.

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Junior Cycle Geography certainly broadens your knowledge of the world and is very different to what you did in primary school. The course is varied, ranging from economic activity, volcanoes and earthquakes to urban sprawl and map-work. There is something in it for everyone.

Back in my school days, I really enjoyed studying geography because there were always new things to learn. Unlike other subjects, geography surrounds us every day so understanding it is not just useful for the exam. In this guide, I’ll attempt to share with you all the secrets to the world of geography and the Junior Cycle Geography exam.

Course breakdown

Let's have a closer look at some of the elements in the Junior Cycle Geography course:

Classroom-Based Assessments

In Junior Cycle Geography, there is continuous assessment in the form of 2 Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs):

  • CBA 1: Geography in the News

  • CBA 2: My Geography

These are small projects that are based on the geography course that you and your teachers will work on together. By putting time into the CBAs and making sure you understand them, you’ll develop knowledge, skills and values that will help prepare you for the final written exam. 


The results of these CBAs will help form your Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). For each CBA, you will be awarded one of the following descriptors:

  • Exceptional 

  • Above expectations 

  • In line with expectations

  • Yet to meet expectations

Top tip

Pick topics you are interested in as this will make the CBAs much more enjoyable to work on and will get you a better result.

The Assessment Task

After your CBAs are finished, you do the Assessment Task. This is a written task which you complete during class time and it is worth 10% of your overall Junior Cycle Geography grade. This will be sent to the State Examinations Commission for correction.

The Assessment Task will not only assess your knowledge of geography but also the skills that you have gained in the process of completing CBA 2 (My Geography).


The Assessment Task will be based on the work you did for CBA 2 so as I’ve said, be sure to pick a topic you are interested in. This will not only make working on the project more enjoyable for you but it will also make reading the task more enjoyable for the examiner.

Final exam

This is a 2-hour written exam that you will sit in June of 3rd Year. The final exam is worth a total of 90% (360 marks) of your overall grade and has a total of 10 questions (you must answer them all). Each question is broken up into parts that examine different parts of the geography course and the paper is usually structured in this way:

  • Short answer questions/multiple choice

  • Skills-based questions

  • Long answer questions

It is worth noting that the questions do not all carry equal marks. Each question contains a mixture of short answer questions and paragraph-style questions in which you must give more detailed insight, displaying your knowledge of a specific topic (more on this later).


As the exam is a common-level paper, there will be a variety of questions to suit everyone.

Short answer questions

This question style is usually multiple choice where you might cross out a wrong answer, circle the correct answer, fill in the blanks or write a short sentence. If you know your stuff, each of these should take less than a minute to answer, with the exception of the map questions of course, which you should look at more carefully to find what you’re looking for.

The short questions test you on all areas of the course so it's important to know some information about every topic to do well. Here's some further information and advice on this section:

  • Using your textbook

    Studying from your textbook is important at the beginning when you are learning the information for the first time or looking back when you forget something but don’t over-rely on it.

  • Past exam papers

    The majority of your studying should be spent testing yourself using quizzes and past exam papers. Just like sports, the act of testing your brain is training it to grow and remember more information.

  • Marking scheme

    After testing your knowledge using the exam papers and quizzes, always check the marking scheme to see if you got the right answer. If you didn’t, you’ll know what you need to study next.

  • Read every question carefully

    Be sure to read every question carefully. For example, if you're asked to circle an answer, don’t underline, etc. It’s very easy to get over-excited when you see a question you’ve answered before but remember, it will be different in some way as they don’t re-use questions.

Top tip

The key to success in short questions is to practice, practice, practice. 

Skills-based questions

These questions test your skills in geography. They examine your ability to read maps and aerial photographs, as well as your ability to read and interpret graphs and tables. Your ability to read weather maps and charts can also be examined here. The more practice you have with reading maps, drawing maps, chart interpretation, etc. the better you will be. Here's some further information and advice on this section:

  • Be prepared

    When preparing for the exam, remember that everything in the specification is examinable so you will be asked questions on larger-scale maps as well as the OS maps, which are scaled as 1:50.000.

  • Be concise

    A common misconception is that this section of the exam is easy. A lot of work has to go into maps and they’re only easy if you have them well-practiced before the exam. No more than general theory questions, the correctors will be looking for SRPs and waffle will not be tolerated.

  • Practice

    Just like in the short questions, the key to success for this section is to practice.

Top tip

Be sure you have all the equipment you need for these types of questions such as pencils, colouring pencils, a ruler, a rubber and a calculator.

Long answer/essay-style questions

With these questions, you are expected to go into more detail and show off your knowledge and understanding of a certain topic. Unlike other subjects, the long questions aren’t set to one topic; they could contain three, seemingly completely unrelated topics such as ocean currents, irrigation and desertification, all linked under one theme.

Since these questions could contain multiple, unrelated topics, I suggest reading through the questions carefully before taking the plunge. Here's some further information and advice on this section:

  • Play to your strengths

    Choose the order in which to answer questions according to your strengths. If you find luck isn’t on your side and there’s only one question which you feel confident answering, belt ahead and do it first. Not only will it warm up your hand, it will give you the confidence to keep going.

  • Keywords

    Be sure you know what keywords are needed to fully answer the question. Keywords are essential in getting as close to full marks as possible so know your stuff. 

  • Significant relevant statement

    For some long answer questions, you have to be able to define words or discuss human involvement in the subject. In these cases, you can never go wrong with the SRS formula (significant relevant statement) followed by a development or explanation. In short, you make a point and explain/develop it. Here's an example: "one method of coastal protection is rock armour. (S) These are large boulders at the base of a cliff or in front of dunes, which the waves hit when they break. (D) This causes them to lose energy and reduces their eroding power. (D) Rock armour can be seen in Tramore, Waterford".

Sample answer formula

For physical geography questions, such as those on rivers, glaciers, the sea, rocks, volcanoes, earthquakes, rainfall, mass movement, etc. I followed a simple formula in order to ensure my answer covered all aspects of a perfect response:

Description A waterfall is a feature of river erosion which occurs when a river flows over a vertical drop.
Example An example of this would be found in Glencar, Co. Leitrim.
Process When a river flows over an area comprising a layer of hard rock above a layer of soft rock, the soft rock is eroded quicker by the process of hydraulic action, abrasion and solution.
Explanation This creates a fall in the river. A plunge pool forms at the base of the waterfall due to the force of the falling water. Undercutting then takes place and creates an overhang. This eventually collapses and the waterfall retreats.
Diagram Here you draw a labelled diagram of the stages in creating a waterfall, label them 1, 2, 3, etc. and additionally, label the features such as the hard rock, overhang, etc.


This formula guarantees full marks if you follow it correctly. I would always include a diagram (unless they have included a picture in the question) as examiners love diagrams.

Action verbs

It's important to know your action verbs and what exactly the questions are asking you. The learning outcomes are the basis for the exam questions and each has an action verb that tells you exactly what they want you to do. Take learning outcome 1.1 as an example:

“Describe the formation and global distribution of volcanoes, earthquakes and fold mountains in the context of plate tectonics and structure of the Earth”. 

There are many parts to this and it is up to you to break up the different elements of what they are asking you to do. Below are some common action verbs:

Analyse Examine something in detail.
Consider Interpret patterns in data.

Point out the similarities and/or differences.

Classify Group things based on their similarities.
Describe Give a detailed overview using words and/or diagrams.
Distinguish Point out the differences between concepts.
Differentiate Point out what makes something different.

Examine evidence/data to make a judgement.

Point out reasons and/or causes.

Use Apply your knowledge.
Top tip

Human geography and economic activity are the other two theory components. They are similar to each other and often overlap in long questions like physical geography, aerial photographs and map questions. SRS is your friend and will get you the marks. 

Final exam tips

Final Exam Tips



My general advice for geography is to practice (here we go again). Yes, even though I say it for everything, that’s honestly how all of my students have gotten their fantastic results. Past exam questions are your new best friend.


Be familiar with learning outcomes

The exam questions are based on the learning outcomes in the Junior Cycle Geography course. My tip would be to look at the learning outcomes and become very familiar with them as they will form the basis for the exam questions. 


Know your action verbs

Know your action verbs and what exactly the questions are asking you. As I’ve said before, the learning outcomes are the basis for the exam questions and each has an action verb. The action verb tells you exactly what they want you to do.


Memory jogging

Regular memory jogging is essential for such a long course. Go over your notes from class regularly and revise the past exam questions you’ve done. Remember, a little bit often is the best way to study.


Discussing geography

I also think discussing geography with others is really helpful. If you discover something interesting when you’re studying, tell somebody about it and you won’t forget it. It’s strange how much I retained when I started telling Mum all about plate tectonics.


Time and technique

Knowledge will get you so far but cleverness will get you all the way. Know your stuff, be able to tell anyone who asks all about population pyramids and be able to teach the first years all about bilateral aid but you need to do it in an exam setting. Time and technique are what separates the winners from the losers here.


Have the correct equipment

Bring pencils, sharpeners, a ruler, crayons or colouring pencils and anything else you think you might need for doing diagrams and sketching maps (you can’t whisper over to your mate in the exam hall to borrow a pen).


Label your questions

Label your questions and subsections clearly. The geography exam is notoriously difficult to correct as it is so make it easy for your examiner. 


Don't leave the exam early

On the off-chance that you finish early, don’t make the mistake of leaving the exam hall early. You’ll end up kicking yourself if you realise you have made a mistake on the way home, with no chance to rectify it. Take the time you have to re-check if you’ve made as many developing sentences as you could, labelled all your diagrams and if you still have a large amount of time on your hands after that, do one more long question to cover yourself. 

Don't panic

Lastly, don’t panic if you don’t see a long question you feel comfortable answering when you first open the paper. Calm yourself by answering some short questions and by giving yourself that time to put things into perspective, you'll realise all will be fine.

Some final tips

for your Junior Cycle Geography exam.


My general advice for geography is to practice (here we go again). Yes, even though I say it for everything, that’s honestly how all of my students have gotten their fantastic results. Past exam questions are your new best friend.

Be familiar with learning outcomes

The exam questions are based on the learning outcomes in the Junior Cycle Geography course. My tip would be to look at the learning outcomes and become very familiar with them as they will form the basis for the exam questions. 

Know your action verbs

Know your action verbs and what exactly the questions are asking you. As I’ve said before, the learning outcomes are the basis for the exam questions and each has an action verb. The action verb tells you exactly what they want you to do.

Memory jogging

Regular memory jogging is essential for such a long course. Go over your notes from class regularly and revise the past exam questions you’ve done. Remember, a little bit often is the best way to study.

Discussing geography

I also think discussing geography with others is really helpful. If you discover something interesting when you’re studying, tell somebody about it and you won’t forget it. It’s strange how much I retained when I started telling Mum all about plate tectonics.

Time and technique

Knowledge will get you so far but cleverness will get you all the way. Know your stuff, be able to tell anyone who asks all about population pyramids and be able to teach the first years all about bilateral aid but you need to do it in an exam setting. Time and technique are what separates the winners from the losers here.

Have the correct equipment

Bring pencils, sharpeners, a ruler, crayons or colouring pencils and anything else you think you might need for doing diagrams and sketching maps (you can’t whisper over to your mate in the exam hall to borrow a pen).

Label your questions

Label your questions and subsections clearly. The geography exam is notoriously difficult to correct as it is so make it easy for your examiner. 

Don't leave the exam early

On the off-chance that you finish early, don’t make the mistake of leaving the exam hall early. You’ll end up kicking yourself if you realise you have made a mistake on the way home, with no chance to rectify it. Take the time you have to re-check if you’ve made as many developing sentences as you could, labelled all your diagrams and if you still have a large amount of time on your hands after that, do one more long question to cover yourself. 

Don't panic

Lastly, don’t panic if you don’t see a long question you feel comfortable answering when you first open the paper. Calm yourself by answering some short questions and by giving yourself that time to put things into perspective, you'll realise all will be fine.

Hope these help - happy studying!

Best of luck in the exam! You will be great. 

By Stephen Doyle

Stephen is an experienced teacher and examiner of Geography. 

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