
Everything you need to study Junior Cycle Wood Technology

- 2 minute read

Wood technology, more commonly known as 'woodwork', is a hands-on subject where you will be working with tools and machinery as well as with wood and plastic.

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What's involved?

Assessment for Junior Cycle Wood Technology is split into 3 parts: Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs), the practical project and the theory exam. Here is an outline of each section:


Students must complete two CBAs. CBA 1 is called 'wood science in our environment' and it provides you with the opportunity to investigate a wood science-related issue within a given context. CBA 2 is called 'student self-analysis and evaluation' and it allows you to conduct an analysis of your coursework and skills to date in wood technology.


You will do this in 3rd year and it will be worth 70% of your grade. The coursework project is made up of your 'my design journey' folio and your artefact. Your completed coursework is then assessed at the end of April of 3rd year.

Theory exam

This is worth 30% of your final grade and covers a wide range of topics so it’s important to know how to approach it. The exam is common level and lasts 90 minutes.

Students must complete two CBAs. CBA 1 is called 'wood science in our environment' and it provides you with the opportunity to investigate a wood science-related issue within a given context. CBA 2 is called 'student self-analysis and evaluation' and it allows you to conduct an analysis of your coursework and skills to date in wood technology.

How Studyclix can help you study

Your project and CBA guides

We asked expert teachers and examiners to write step-by-step guides on how to succeed in your CBAs and your wood technology project to ensure you get the highest descriptor possible. Written by an expert wood technology teacher, Kieran McDonagh, these guides are linked below:

Distinction guide

Wood technology is a part of everyday life, from wood science and materials to design thinking to woodworking and to communicating effectively through the use of sketching. In this guide you will get a better understanding of the new course and how to do well in it.

Practice past exam questions

The best way to study wood technology is by reviewing past exam paper questions. Doing this will familiarise you with the style of questions you can be asked, meaning you'll have fewer surprises in your exam.

On the Studyclix site, we have broken down past exam paper questions into topics, reducing the time you need to spend searching for questions. 


On the top of the wood technology subject page, you can find a button in the right-hand corner that will allow you to go through quiz questions on this subject.

All of the quiz questions have been written based on past exam paper questions, meaning you can have fun while studying

Top tip

Stuck on a question? Not sure about a topic? Looking for some more notes? Try asking our community page for some tips and advice. There are plenty of students and teachers there who are more than willing to help you out. 

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