
Everything you need to study Leaving Cert Chemistry

- 3 minute read

While it is a fascinating subject, chemistry is by no means an easy one. Luckily for all of you chemistry students, it is a subject that will always reward dedication and hard work. Here is how Studyclix can help you study for this subject.

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What's involved?

The course includes 28 mandatory practical experiments which must be completed in the lab, as well as a written paper including questions on these experiments and examining the theory and applications of chemistry. It's really important that you learn your definitions and mandatory experiments as these make up a lot of the marks in the exam.

Here is a breakdown of the higher-level syllabus objectives:


Students should have a knowledge of:

  • basic chemical terminology, facts, principles and methods;
  • scientific theories and their limitations;
  • and social, historical, environmental, technological and economic aspects of chemistry.

Students should understand:

  • how chemistry relates to everyday life;
  • scientific information in verbal, graphical and mathematical form;
  • basic chemical principles;
  • how chemical problems can be solved;
  • and how the scientific method applies to chemistry.

Students should be able to:

  • follow instructions given in a suitable form;
  • perform experiments safely and co-operatively;
  • select and manipulate suitable apparatus to perform specified tasks;
  • make accurate observations and measurements;
  • and interpret experimental data and assess the accuracy of experimental results.

Students should be able to:

  • translate scientific information into verbal, graphical and mathematical form;
  • organise chemical ideas and statements and write clearly about chemical concepts and theories;
  • report experimental procedures and results in a concise, accurate and comprehensible manner;
  • explain both familiar and unfamiliar phenomena by applying known laws and principles;
  • use chemical facts and principles to make chemical predictions;
  • perform simple chemical calculations;
  • and identify public issues and misconceptions relating to chemistry and analyse them critically.

Students should appreciate:

  • advances in chemistry and their influence on our lives;
  • that the understanding of chemistry contributes to the social and economic development of society;
  • and the range of vocational opportunities that use chemistry, and how chemists work.

Students should have a knowledge of:

  • basic chemical terminology, facts, principles and methods;
  • scientific theories and their limitations;
  • and social, historical, environmental, technological and economic aspects of chemistry.

The written exam

The Leaving Cert exam is three hours long for both higher and ordinary levels. The paper is divided into Section A and Section B and there are eleven questions in total on the exam paper, each carrying 50 marks. Students must answer at least two questions from Section A and eight questions in total.

  • Section A assesses the experiment questions.

  • Section B assesses theory, along with experiments.

There is no element of continuous assessment in Chemistry but experiment copies must be available for inspection by the State Examinations Commission. You will also have to memorize the chemical components of a series of prescribed experiments and present the elements of four of these experiments in the exam.

How to study chemistry

Read our H1 guide

Regardless of whether you have loved the subject since the beginning of 5th year or you’re secretly counting down the days until you can throw away your textbook forever, a clever exam strategy and an efficient method of study will make sure that you can go into that exam knowing that a high grade is within your reach. In this guide, Elsa goes through her top tips and tricks for getting an H1 in this subject.

Practice past exam questions

The more Chemistry past exam questions you practice, the fewer surprises you'll have on the day of your exam. This is why going through past exam papers is probably the best study method you can use for this subjects! Here are three ways you can go about it:

Top tip

Stuck on a question? Not sure about a topic? Looking for some more notes? Try asking our community page for some tips and advice. There are plenty of students and teachers there who are more than willing to help you out. 

Chemistry Solution Videos

Do you find yourself looking at some chemistry questions and not knowing where to start? Well, no need to worry! Our Leaving cert Chemistry expert students and teachers have created new solution videos for 30 of the trickiest Chemistry questions (from 2019 to 2022) to help you.

To find these videos, simply follow these steps:

  • 1

    Go to your Homepage.

  • 2

    Click the subject of chemistry.

  • 3

    Click on the topic you want to study.

  • 4

    Scroll down to see the videos linked underneath the questions or find them in the 'videos and notes' tab.

Experiment videos

Section A of the Leaving Certificate chemistry paper has 3 experiment questions based on the mandatory experiments on the course. There are around 35 experiments in total. Some people find it difficult to remember these experiments from books and notes so we have put together a Leaving Cert chemistry playlist to help you learn them!

Topic analysis tables

​​​Every year, in the lead-up to state exams, we are often asked for predictions for Leaving cert subjects. So we've put together our Topic Analysis Tables for you to try & plan your study as best as possible!

Brand New: Studyclix Digital flashcards

Our flashcards have gone and got a whole new look! You can now use Studyclix Digital Flashcards to study for Leaving Cert Chemistry.

How do they work?

Click through all of the flashcards you need to know in each topic using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons on the flashcards.

Want to mix it up? Hit the shuffle button. Looking to test yourself again? Do it by hitting restart. You can also share, print or view the full deck. It's all at your fingertips.

Find all of the flashcards we have available below:

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