
Everything you need to study Leaving Cert Engineering

- 1 minute read

Mechanical engineering materials, processes and technological applications, it's all covered in the Leaving Cert Engineering course. Here is how Studyclix can help make your studying easier. 

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What's involved?

Engineering is a broad course, covering both theory and practice. Studying this subject helps give you a knowledge of the materials, an understanding of the processes and the ability to safely use the skills and tools to do practical work. There are three assessments in this course:

Technology project

This is based on a brief released by the SEC and students are required to submit a model and design folio based on it. This is worth 25% of the overall marks for higher-level engineering and 30% at ordinary level.

Practical skills exam

This takes place for 6 hours (2 three-hour sessions) in schools in May. Students are required to show skills of drilling, machining, fitting and precision filing. This is worth 25% for higher level and 30% for ordinary level.

Written exam

This exam lasts 3 hours at higher level (worth 50%) and 2.5 hours at ordinary level (worth 40%). The exam is made up of 8 questions where students must answer Question 1 and any other four questions from the remaining seven.

This is based on a brief released by the SEC and students are required to submit a model and design folio based on it. This is worth 25% of the overall marks for higher-level engineering and 30% at ordinary level.

How to study engineering

Practice past exam questions

One of the most effective ways to study engineering is to practice past exam paper questions. The more questions you can do, the fewer surprises you'll have on the day of your exam. 

This is why we have broken down all of the past exam paper questions into neat topics. This will save you loads of time searching for the right questions. You can find a list of question topics on the engineering subject page.

Top tip
If you are finding particular questions tricky, why not add them to your collections? This will make practicing them a lot easier.

Read our H1/O1 guide

To make sure you get as many marks as possible, we have teamed up with an expert teacher to write a useful guide to Leaving Cert Engineering. The subject tends to vary a bit depending on the level so we've made two guides this time. Check them out below: 


Studyclix Quizzes can be the perfect solution if you are looking for an effective new way to study. Here are some reasons why you should check them out:

  • They have been created by subject experts.

  • They are inspired by past exam paper questions.

  • They are quick to go through.

  • They turn studying into a fun game.

Studyclix Community Page

If you have a question about engineering, you can find the answer on Studyclix. On our community page, there are loads of students and teachers who would be willing to help you out. You can ask for study advice, find useful notes and much more. Check out the community page here. 

Brand New: Studyclix Digital flashcards

Our flashcards have gone and got a whole new look! You can now use Studyclix Digital Flashcards to study for Leaving Cert Engineering.

How do they work?

Click through all of the flashcards you need to know in each topic using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons on the flashcards.

Want to mix it up? Hit the shuffle button. Looking to test yourself again? Do it by hitting restart. You can also share, print or view the full deck. It's all at your fingertips.

Find all of the flashcards we have available below:

Have some ideas for more resources?

Have ideas on more engineering resources you would like to see? Get in touch by emailing 😊


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