Sample Answer

Sample Answer | The Family - 2021

Reviewed by Student Contributor


2021 - Section B - Question 5

Student Answer to Part (a)

A family is a group of people that are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. There are a wide variety of families such as nuclear, extended, blended, and lone-parent.

Universality means that the family exists in societies all over the world. Although the structure or customs might vary, the family idea is the same all over the world

Student Answer to Part (b)

Physical needs:

The family can meet the physical needs of members by providing food, shelter, and clothing. These are the basic needs of the members and the family has a responsibility of providing these. The family can be helped by the state e.g. child benefit. The child benefit helps the family provide basic needs such as food. They can also encourage exercise from a young age to inspire the children to be physically healthy in their lives.

Emotional needs:

The family can provide for the emotional needs of the children by providing a loving and caring environment. By encouraging the members and praising them, the family can provide for the emotional needs of its members. The family also provides an emotional function by teaching the members how to be resilient. Families can provide this function by listening to the children.

Economic function:

The family has a responsibility to provide financially for the members until they are 18 or 23 in full-time education. The family is helped by the state in this role. The state provides child benefits to parents for every child they have under the age of 18. The state also provides the back-to-school clothing and footwear allowance to families who struggle to pay for all the back-to-school items that are needed.

Social function:

The family teaches the members all the norms and ways to behave in a way that is acceptable to society. This is a very important function as the family is the primary educator so it is vital that from a young age, children are taught manners and how to act respectfully in society. The family can provide for these needs by bringing the children to playgrounds and on play dates to encourage socialisation amongst the children.

Student Answer to Part (c)

Isolation: this can be experienced if the family has to spend a lot of time at home, caring for the children. They may experience feelings of loneliness if they have to miss events and occasions.

Financial pressure: families can experience financial pressure if one parent has to stay at home full-time to care for the child. This can put a huge amount of pressure on the parent who does have to work and is the sole earner. The cost of medications, treatments, and home adaptations can also place a huge amount of pressure on families.

Guilt: parents may feel guilty for not spending enough time with their other children. If the child with special needs requires full-time attention, it can be difficult to find time for the other family members.

Judgment/discrimination: sadly, some families who have a child with special needs will face issues such as judgment and discrimination. It may be difficult for families to enjoy themselves out in public due to some possible logistical issues if there are wheelchairs as well as trying to find wheelchair-friendly areas. They may also deal with verbal abuse and stares from strangers which is very upsetting.


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By Student Contributor

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