
Notes on Sraith Pictiúr 15: Bua sa Seó Tallaine

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Pictiúr 1

Sa chéad phictiúr, tá ceathrar bhuachaill ag stánadh ar phóstaer. Tá seó tallaine áitiúil á fhógrú agus tá duais mhealltach de €1,000 ann.

In the first picture, four boys are staring at a poster. A local talent show is being advertised and there’s an enticing prize of €1,000.

Déanann na buachaillí plé ar an seó. Tá suim acu uilig sa cheol agus measann buachaill amháin go mbeadh sé spéisiúil.

The boys discuss the show. They are all interested in music and one boy thinks it would be interesting.

Tar éis beagáinín idirphlé, socraíonn na buachaillí páirt a ghlacadh.

After a bit of discussion, the boys decide to take part.

Pictiúr 2

Sa phictiúr seo, léirítear na buachaillí ag cleachtadh. Cuireann siad grúpa ceoil le chéile, darb ainm "An Criú Craiceáilte".

In this picture, the boys are shown practising. They form a band called "The Crazy Crew".

Tá réimse maith uirlise ann; seinntear an fhidil, na drumaí agus an giotár. Tá amhránaí ann chomh maith.

There is a good range of instruments; the violin, the drums and the guitar are played. There is also a singer.

Is ceoltóirí díograiseacha iad agus bíonn said ag cleachtadh achan lae. Oibríonn siad go dian dícheallach ar feadh trí mhí, Feabhra, Márta agus Aibreán. I ndiaidh a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin, mar a deir an seanfhocal!

They are dedicated musicians and they practice every day. They work very hard for three months, February, March and April. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day!

Pictiúr 3

I bpictiúr a trí, lá an chomórtais atá ann. Mothaíonn na buachaillí neirbhíseach ach tá siad ag tnúth leis an deis a gceol a chasadh ós comhair slua.

In picture 3, it’s the day of the competition. The boys feel nervous but they are looking forward to the opportunity to play their music in front of a crowd.

Éisteann an múinteoir ceoil leo agus tugann sé roinnt comhairle dóibh. Téann na buachaillí i bhfeidhm air agus deir sé go bhfuil feabhas mór tagtha orthu.

The music teacher listens to them and he gives them some advice. The boys impress him and he says that they have improved a lot.

Tá slua daoine ós comhair halla an phobail agus tá an halla dubh le daoine cheana féin. Tá gach duine ag iarraidh na tallaine a fheiceáil.

There is a crowd of people in front of the public hall and the hall is already packed. Everyone wants to see the talent.

Pictiúr 4

I bhfaiteadh na súl, sroichtear deireadh an tseó. Is é "An Criú Craiceáilte" an grúpa deiridh, agus cuireann fear an tí i láthair iad.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the show is reached. "The Crazy Crew" are the final group and the MC introduces them.

Le bualadh bos glórmhar, cuireann an slua fáilte rompu. Tosaíonn siad ag seinm agus tá gach duine faoi gheasa acu.

With a noisy round of applause, the crown welcomes them. They start playing and they have everyone under a spell.

Tá na buachaillí ar fheabhas agus is cinnte go bhfuil feith an cheoil go smior iontu.

The boys are brilliant and it is certain that the gift of music runs in their veins.

Pictiúr 5

Tar éis briseadh beag, fógraíonn fear an tí na torthaí agus iontas na n-iontas, tá an bua ag "An Criú Craiceáilte"!

After a short break, the MC announces the winners and surprise, surprise, "The Crazy Crew win"!

Déanann fear an tí comhghairdeas leo agus bronnann sé an seic orthu. Tá sé soiléir go bhfuil ríméad ar na buachaillí.

The MC congratulates them and he gives them the cheque. It is clear that the boys are ecstatic.

Tá siad ar mhuin na muice agus ní feidir a shéanadh go bhfuil sé tuillte acu.

They’re on the pig's back and it can't be denied that they deserve it.

Pictiúr 6

Sa phictiúr deireanach, tá na buachaillí i siopa ceoil darb ainm "An Fonn Mall". Tá siad ag smaoineamh ar uirlisí nua a cheannach.

In the last picture, the boys are in a music shop called "The Slow Tune". They are thinking of buying new instruments.

Tá an t-ádh leo go bhfuil sladmhargadh ar siúl agus bíonn comhrá deas acu leis an mbuachaill atá ag obair. Chuala sé an deá-scéal faoin seó tallaine.

They are lucky that there is a sale on and they have a nice conversation with the boy who is working. He heard the good news about the talent show.

Tar éis uirlísí nua a cheannach, cuireann siad an chuid eile den airgead i gcúntas bainc. Buachaillí stuama iad gan dabht.

After buying new instruments, they put the remaining money in a bank account. They are sensible boys without a doubt.


  • 1

    Cé mhéad duine atá sa ghrúpa ceoil?
    (How many people are in the band?)

  • 2

    Cad iad na huirlísí ceoil atá á seinm acu?
    (What are the instruments in the group?)

  • 3

    Cá raibh an seó tallaine ar siúl?
    (Where did the talent show take place?)


Grúpa ceoil Tuiseal Ginideach (an ceol = grúpa ceoil)
Lá an chomórtais Tuiseal Ginideach (an comórtas = an chomórtais)

A gceol

urú (g) on ‘ceol’ because of the Aidiacht Shealbhach (their)

Foclóir A-Z

  • Grúpa ceoil

  • Díograiseach

  • Comhairle

  • Slua

  • Faoi gheasa
    (under a spell (in awe))

  • Fear an tí

  • Tuillte

  • Ríméad
    (ecstatic/very happy)

  • Sladmhargadh

  • Stuama


  • Ag cleachtadh

  • Á fhógrú

  • Ag seinnt

An Bhéaltriail

  • 1

    An seinneann tú uirlis?
    (Do you play an instrument?)

  • 2

    Ar ghlac tú páirt riamh i gcomórtas tallaine?
    (Did you ever take part in a talent show?)

  • 3

    Cad a dhéanfá dá mbuafá míle euro?
    (What would you do if you won a thousand euros?)

Want more tips from a state examiner for the béaltriail? Click the button below to listen to our podcast.

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