
Notes on Sraith Pictiúr 2: Samhradh Iontach

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Pictiúr 1

Aoine amháin atá ann agus tá an scoil críochnaithe don samhradh. Lá breá grianmhar atá ann.
It’s Friday and school is finished for the summer. It’s a lovely sunny say.

Tá Meadhbh agus Clíodhna ag caint os comhair an tséipéil.
Meadhbh and Clíodhna are talking in front of the church.

Tá súil ag Meadhbh go mbeidh samhradh den scoth acu.
Meadhbh is hoping that they will have a great summer.

Aontaíonn Clíodhna leí agus deir sí go bhfuil a lán le plé acu faoina bpleananna don samhradh.
Clíodhna agrees and says that they have a lot to discuss about their plans for the summer.

Pictiúr 2

I bpictiúr a dó, feictear na cailíní in oifig bhainisteoir an óstáin san óstán áitiúil.
In Picture 2, the girls can be seen in the manager’s office in the local hotel.

Tá siad i mbun agallaimh leis an mbainisteoir faoi phost a fháil san ostán ar feadh míosa chun píosa airgid a thuilleadh don chuid eile den samhradh.
They’re in the middle of an interview with the manager about a month-long job in order to earn some money for the rest of the summer.

Is léir go bhfuair siad an post mar feictear na cailíní ansin ag glanadh ceann de na seomraí.
It’s clear they got the job because the girls are then seen cleaning one of the rooms.

Deir Meadhbh go bhfuil an t-ádh leo go bhfuil an post acu, fad is atá sí ag folúsghlanadh.
Meadhbh says that they’re lucky to have the job, while she hoovers.

Pictiúr 3

Nuair atá dóthain airgid ag na cailíní, cuireann siad saoire go dtí an Róimh in áirithe.
When the girls have enough money, they book a holiday to Rome.

Feicimid iad ós comhair an Cholasaeim. Tá an aimsir gan sárú.
We see them in front of the Colosseum. The weather is beautiful.

Is follas go bhfuil píosa siopadóireachta déanta ag na cailíní mar go bhfuil cúpla malaí siopadóireachta ina lámha acu.
It’s clear that the girls have done a bit of shopping because they have a few shopping bags in their hands.

Ceapann Clíodhna gur cathair ghleoite í.
Clíodhna thinks it’s a gorgeous city.

Pictiúr 4

I ndiaidh na Róimhe, filleann na cailíní ar ais abhaile.
After Rome, the girls return home.

Tá an bheirt acu ar an bhfoireann peile áitiúil. Bíonn siad ag cleachtadh dhá uair in aghaidh na seachtaine agus faoi dheireadh, tá an cluiche ceannais acu.
The two of them are on the local football team. They practice twice a week and finally, they have the final.

Faigheann na cailíní an bua agus tá gliondar an domhain orthu.
The girls win and they are delighted.

Chun céiliúradh a dhéanamh ar an mbua, téann siad go dtí an phictiúrlann chun scannán a fheiscint agus grán rósta a ithe.
To celebrate the win, they go to the cinema to watch a film and to eat popcorn.

Pictiúr 5

I bpicitúr a cúig, feicimid na cailíní ag obair ar son na carthanachta Naomh Uinseann de Pól. Obair dheonach atá ann, ag cabhrú le daoine bochta agus daoine gan dídean.
In Picture 5, we see the girls working on behalf of the charity St. Vincent de Paul. It’s voluntary work, helping poor and homeless people.

Tugann Meadhbh éadaí agus bia do sheanbhean bhocht amháin atá ina suí ar leac dorais.
Meadhbh gives clothes and food to one old woman who’s sitting on a doorstep.

Tá sí an-bhuíoch as ucht na cabhrach.
She is very grateful for the help.

Pictiúr 6

Sa phictiúr deireanach, tá deireadh an tsamhraidh tagtha.
In the last picture, the end of the summer has come.

Deir Meadhbh gurb é an samhradh ab fhearr a bhí acu riamh.
Meadhbh says that it was the best summer that they ever had.

Aontaíonn Clíodhna léí agus deir sí go bhfuil sí ag súil go mór leis an mbliain seo chugainn.
Clíodhna agrees and she says she is looking forward to next year.

Samhradh den scoth a bhí ann, lán le heachtraí agus rudaí nua.
It was a brilliant summer, full of new experiences and things.


  • 1

    Cá bfhuil na cailíní i bpictiúr a haon?
    (Where are the girls in the first picture?)

  • 2

    Cad atá á ithe ag na cailíní i bpictiúr a 4?
    (What are the girls eating in picture 4?)

  • 3

    Cad a cheapann Meadhbh faoin samhradh atá thart?
    (What does Meadhbh think about the summer just gone?)


Ós comhair an tséipéil Tuiseal Ginideach...'ós comhair' = complex preposition...Séipéal = a n tséipéil.
Ab fhearr Ab = always used in the past tense and always puts a séimhiú (h) on the following word.
An-bhuíoch 'an-' (very) always puts a séimhiú (h) on the following word.
A bpleananna  'their plans'...'a' + urú when it’s 'their'.

Foclóir A-Z

  • Pleananna

  • Bainisteoir

  • Agallamh

  • Post

  • Cur in áirithe
    (to reserve)

  • Gliondar

  • Pictiúrlann

  • Grán rósta

  • Seanbhean
    (old woman)

  • Carthanacht


  • Ag folúsghlanadh

  • Ag súil le
    (looking forward to)

  • Ag cleachtadh

An Bhéaltriail

  • 1

    Cad a dhéanfaidh tú don samhradh?
    (What will you do for the summer?)

  • 2

    An rachaidh tú ar saoire i ndiaidh na hÁrdteiste?
    (Will you go on holiday after the Leaving Cert?)

  • 3

    An ndearna tú obair dheonach riamh?
    (Have you ever done volunteer work?)

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