
Notes on Sraith Pictiúr 20: Fadhbanna ar Saoire

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Pictiúr 1

Lá amháin, suíonn clann Uí Thuama síos le chéile tar éis an dinnéir.

One day, the Twomey family sit down together after dinner.

Deir Mam, “Bhí mé féin agus Daid ag sábháil ar feadh tamaill anois agus toisc go bfhuil an Ardteist ar siúl agaibh an bhliain seo chugainn, rachaimid ar saoire i mbliana”.

Mam says, “Myself and Dad have been saving for a while now and seeing as the Leaving Cert is next year, we’re going to go on holiday this year".

Deir Daid go ndearna sé píosa taighde ar an idirlíon agus go rachaidh sé go dtí an gníomhaire taistil ag an deireadh seachtaine chun níos mó eolais a fháil.

Dad says that he did some research online and that he’ll go to the travel agent at the weekend to get more info.

Tá an cúpla, Pól agus Síle, ar bís faoi seo agus tá siad ag tnúth go mór leis.

The twins, Paul and Síle, are excited about this and are looking forward to it.

Pictiúr 2

I bpictiúr a dó, feicimid an chlann i mbun comhrá leis an ngníomhaire taistil. Deir Daid léí go bhfuil an rogha déanta acu, go ndeachaigh na páistí ar an idirlíon agus gur phioc siad Malaga mar cheann scríbe.

In picture 2, we see the family in the middle of a conversation with the travel agent. Dad tells her they have made their choice, that the kids went online and they picked Malaga as the destination.

Deir sí go bhfuil rogha mór óstán ann agus go bhfuil ionadaí acu ann. Taispeánann sí roinnt ostán dóibh.

She says they have a big choice of hotels and they have a representative there. She shows them a couple of hotels.

Taitníonn ostán amháin go háirithe le Síle agus Pól mar go bhfuil áiseanna iontacha ann, féachann sé compórdach agus tá sé lonnaithe i suíomh maith, lárnach.

Síle and Paul really like one hotel especially because there are great facilities there, it looks comfortable and is located in a good, central location.

Pictiúr 3

Sa phictiúr seo, sroicheann an chlann aerfort Malaga agus cuireann an t-ionadaí taistil fáilte rompu. Tugann sé a uimhir fóin dóibh agus deir sé leo glaoch a chur air má tá aon fhadhb acu.

In this picture, the family arrives at Malaga airport and the rep welcomes them. He gives them his phone number and tells them to call him if there are any problems.

Tá sceitiminí an domhain ar an gclann a bheith ann faoi dheireadh.

The family are excited to be there at last.

Tá an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch agus tá an chlann ag caitheamh a spéaclaí gréine toisc go bhfuil an aimsir chomh deas.

The sun is splitting the stones and the family are wearing their sunglasses because the weather is so nice.

Pictiúr 4

Téann muintir Uí Thuama go dtí a n-óstán darb ainm "Hotel Sol".

The Twomey family go to their hotel called "Hotel Sol".

Tá ionadh agus déistin orthu mar tá an seomra go hainnis agus go hiomlán bunoscionn. Is léir nách raibh sé glanta ar feadh tamaill agus níl an leaba déanta fiú.

They are shocked and disgusted because the room is terrible and a total mess. It’s clear it hasn’t been cleaned for a while and the bed isn’t even made.

Téann an t-athair go dtí an fáiltóir chun gearán a dheánamh faoi chruth an tseomra. Deir sé go bfhuil fonn orthu fanacht in óstán eile.

The father goes to the reception to make a complaint about the state of the room. He says that they want to stay in another hotel.

Ag an am céanna, cuireann an mháthair glaoch ar an ionadaí chun an scéal a insint agus a míshástacht a léiriú.

At the same time, the mother calls the rep to tell the story and to express her dissatisfaction.

Pictiúr 5

I bpictiúr a 5, feicimid muintir Uí Thuama i mbun comhrá leis an ionadaí taistil arís.

In picture 5, we see the Twomey family having a conversation with the travel rep again.

Gabhann sé a leithscéal leo faoin ostán agus míníonn sé go bhfuil stailc ar siúl faoi láthair agus gurb é sin an fáth nach raibh an seomra glan.

He apologises for the hotel and explains that there is a strike on at the moment and that’s why the room wasn’t clean.

Geallann sé dóibh go bhfanfaidh siad in óstán nua darb ainm “Salles Central” atá i suíomh níos fearr agus beidh uasghrádú ar a seomra chomh maith.

He promises them that they will stay in a new hotel called “Salles Central” which is in a better location and their room will also be upgraded.

Pictiúr 6

Sa phictiúr deireanach, feictear an chlann ag ligint a scíthe ar thaobh na linn snámha ag a n-ostán nua. Níl cíos, cás ná cathú orthu agus is lá breá brothallach é.

In the last picture, the family is relaxing by the pool at their new hotel. They haven’t a care in the world and it’s a great, sunny day.

Tá siad lán-sásta leo féin anois agus caitheann siad an lá ar fad ag sú na gréine agus ag snámh.

They are delighted with themselves now and they spend the whole day sunbathing and swimming.

Smaoiníonn Daid gur fíor an seanfhocal, “Is olc an ghaoth nách séideann maith do dhuine éigin”.

Dad thinks it’s true what the old saying says, “It's a bad wind that doesn't blow good for someone”.


  • 1

    Cá bhfuil muintir Uí Thuama I bpictiúr a dó?
    (Where is the Twomey family in picture 2?)

  • 2

    Conas atá an aimsir sa triú phictiúr?
    (What’s the weather like in the 3rd picture?)

  • 3

    Cad a cheapann Mam faoin óstán nua?
    (What does Mam think about the new hotel?)


Aon fhadhb

'aon' is always followed by a séimhiú (h)

Go dtí a n-óstán

'a n-óstán' is 'their' hotel so the following word must take an urú
a míshástacht a léiriú (her dissatisfaction) - when it’s female possessive, the following word never takes a séimhiú (h)
Ag sú na gréine Tuiseal Ginideach - the infinitive verb followed by a noun changes the noun (grian = na gréine)

Foclóir A-Z

  • Taighde

  • Gníomhaire taistil
    (travel agent)

  • Ar bís

  • Ionadaí

  • Spéaclaí gréine

  • Déistin

  • Ionadh

  • Go hainnis

  • Uasghrádú

  • Stailc


  • Ag sú na gréine

  • Ag ligint a scíthe

  • Ag caitheamh (followed by an item of clothing)

An Bhéaltriail

  • 1

    An dtéann do chlann ar laethanta saoire?
    (Does your family go on holiday?)

  • 2

    Cá raibh tú ar laethanta saoire?
    (Where have you been on holiday?)

  • 3

    An mbeidh tú ag dul ar laethanta saoire tar éis na hArdteiste?
    (Will you go on a holiday after the Leaving Cert?)

  • 4

    An raibh tú riamh sa Spáinn?
    (Were you ever in Spain?)

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