
How to get a H1 in your Leaving Cert Technology Project

By H1 Student - 10 minute read

Barry got a H1 in his Leaving Cert Technology and in this guide, he shares his advice for succeeding in the project. 

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Technology is a relatively new subject for Leaving Certificate students. It combines disciplines from various other subjects and the practical project has a lot less restrictions than other practical projects in engineering and construction studies. What you make is up to you, provided you satisfy the brief.

The practical project and portfolio make up 50% of your overall grade in this subject so it is vital that you give it your best shot. If you work hard and meet your deadlines, you will succeed and do well.

The project

The brief for technology comes out every year during October or November and as soon as you get it, you need to start planning. It will be easier to work on something you’re interested in. Remember, however, technology is a relatively new subject and the time they allocate for the practical work is very tight. 

You will need to plan out every step of your project if you want to get it done within the deadline. You will of course need to plan out your design and the materials you wish to use but you will also need to plan when and where you will be able to have access to the heavy machines in your school, when and where you will be able to source specialised components or materials if necessary and when you’re going to finish the various pieces in your artefact, etc. Here's some more advice for approaching your project:

  • Documenting

    Document and photograph everything. It is of vital importance that you have photographic evidence of every step of your project, especially when it comes to drawing up your portfolio later.

  • Materials

    Many overlook this section of the project and go for the cheapest and easiest materials on hand. You should really try and have at least one unique and uncommon material in your final project. Of course, use the standard aluminium, oak and Perspex materials for most of your project but try and get that unique aspect in there somewhere.

  • Manufacturing

    This is perhaps where technology varies most from the other practical projects in terms of manufacturing restrictions. You have no restrictions on what machines you can and cannot use or how often you can use them when you’re making your technology project. You will save time by designing your individual components on CAD software and then allowing a CAM machine such as a 3D printer or a laser cutter make them for you. While your piece is being made by the machine you can be working on a different piece of your project, saving you time.

  • CAM machine

    If using a CAM machine to make your pieces, it is vital that you finish each piece by hand. Use draw filing, sandpaper and emery paper to remove any of the marks left behind by the
    machine manufacturing.

  • Waste management

    Technology is a new subject that is very much tied in with the modern world. It is very important that you try and cut down on the amount of material you waste when making your project and document it.

  • Environmental impact

    This is an area you simply cannot ignore. Examiners look to see if you’ve considered the environment in your design and if you’ve managed to manufacture your artefact in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner. Make sure to consider the embodied energy and embodied carbon of each material you use along with the energy requirements of each process you plan on carrying out. 

  • Electronics

    Electronics and electro-mechanical components are nearly always required to be included in Leaving Cert Technology projects. Using a printed circuit board such as a Genie E18 will allow you to easily insert and programme each individual component. Be sure to incorporate smart wire and cable management so that your finished project looks neat and presentable.


This is your project, not your teacher's or your friends'. Listen to everyone’s advice but the decision is ultimately yours. Your project needs to be unique and functional. It also needs to solve a problem and be useful.

Breakdown of the marks

The project is worth 100 marks in total which makes up 25% of your overall grade. It is vital that you try your very best to minimise losing marks wherever possible. Below is a breakdown of where the marks go and what the examiner is looking for.

Does the design meet the brief and specifications? (10 marks)

The examiners are looking to give you as many marks as possible so it is vital that you meet the requirements of the brief. Otherwise, the examiner will be forced to dock you marks in nearly every section.

Top tip

When you are working on your project you shouldn’t think of it as trying to gain the most amount of marks possible but more so as trying to minimise the amount of marks lost.

Is the design original and creative? (15 marks)

  • You cannot copy or replicate an existing product.

  • You must make sure that no other project in your class is too similar to yours.

  • You need to stand out from the crowd so don’t take the easy route; experiment and work hard.

Are a wide range of skills and assembly methods used? (30 marks)

  • This is where the most amount of marks are going and the examiner wants to see if you have learned all that there is to learn in the technology course.

  • They’re looking to see if you know how to use all the various machines in the technology room. Can you use a lathe? Do you know how to operate a vacuum former?

  • Another great way to pick up marks in this section is the use of CAD and CAM programmes. Examiners love to see pieces manufactured using a laser cutter, CNC lathe or a 3D printer.

  • Just be careful not to overdo it as it is still important that the examiner knows you are able to use the old-fashioned hand tool methods just as well.

Does the finished artefact function and fulfil its intended purpose? (20 marks)

  • There are a lot of marks going for this section so it's important that you strive to get your project finished ahead of the deadline.

  • While you can still get marks if your finished artefact doesn’t work, you will be at a serious disadvantage if you’re looking for a high grade.

  • The examiner is looking to see if your project moves and works. Does it do what it says it will do?

  • Many students spend too much time cutting out and assembling their physical project but neglect to spend time wiring it up and programming it to function. If you do this then you might lose lots of marks in this section so plan your time well and work hard.

Is the finished project of a high production quality and finished well? (15 marks)

  • This is another easy section to pick marks up in.

  • The examiner is looking to make sure you are a good craftsman. You need to ensure that all the edges of your various pieces are finished to a high standard, i.e. cross-filed, draw filed, sanded, wire wooled and emery papered.

  • The examiner can take marks off you for any little scratch, dent or ding he or she sees in your project.

Is the finished project neatly presented and correctly labelled? (10 marks)

  • Provided your project is fully finished, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about this section.

  • The examiner is looking to see if every part is clearly visible and working in your project and that you have correctly labelled components where necessary.

  • If you do not manage to get your project finished on time, make sure you label each individual component in the plastic bag as this will make the examiner’s life easier and hopefully help you pick up a few marks.


I cannot express how important it is that you plan out every step of your project and stick strictly to your timing. You will be under pressure to finish your project but if you plan well in advance you will get it finished.

At the start of your project, make out a Gantt chart (example below) and try and stick to it as rigorously as possible. Then, if necessary, make updated ones throughout the year as you readjust the areas where your time is needed.

The portfolio

Your portfolio is essentially a written account of how you made your project, from how you generated your various ideas, how you carried out research, what materials you used and why, how you manufactured your artefact and everything else you did during the project.

Your portfolio needs to encompass everything you do so leave nothing out. It is easy to score high grades if you work hard on your portfolio, include detailed accounts of every step of the journey and produce clean, neat and accurate working drawings and free-hand sketches.


Below is a rough guideline as to how you can lay out your portfolio. Remember, this is just a guide and you should use this along with your teacher’s guidance to create your own portfolio.

Cover page The first page of your document, exam number and picture of artefact go here.
Contents List every chapter and corresponding page numbers here.
Analysis of the thematic brief Discuss the assigned brief, summarise the requirements and explain the keywords.
Overall management of the project Discuss your restraints, your budget and your timeframe.
Environmental impact This section is very important. Present your research on how you will make your project bearing the environmental impact of the process in mind. Discuss how renewable/reusable each material will be along with your drawing and manufacturing methods.
Research and investigation Talk about all the research you did for materials, processes, etc. Analyse existing solutions and discuss anthropometrics and ergonomics here too.
Development of design ideas Include at least 3 drawings of your initial designs along with a discussion of mechanisms and materials in each. Then, have a final drawing of the final idea (these should be hand-drawn sketches).
Selection and justification of your chosen design Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each idea and state why you chose the one you did.
Sketches and designs for manufacture Include all your CAD drawings here, make sure they look neat and well-presented and have all the necessary dimensions clearly displayed. Include circuit diagrams here if necessary.
Production planning Analyse the costings of each component of your artefact and discuss and justify the overall cost. Include all work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, critical path diagrams, etc.
Product realisation Discuss the sequence of manufacturing here and each process you carried out and why. This section is like the instruction book for making your project; if someone picks it up, they should be able to replicate your finished artefact from what they read. Be clear and concise and leave no tiny detail out.
Testing, evaluation and critical reflection Talk about what parts you tested, how you tested them and why and what you changed as a result of your testing.
Online sources/references Include the URL to any image you used online in your portfolio here.
Appendix Place any loose pages such as original sketches, etc. here.

Marks are awarded for presentation in the portfolio so make sure to make use of a colour scheme and correct headings throughout your document. If you put in the time and work you should get good marks in your portfolio so make sure it is neat, packed with information, original and clearly your own work.

Best of luck! You've got this.

By H1 Student

This student got an H1 in this subject.

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