Meet our experts
All the content on Studyclix wouldn't be possible without the help from amazing creators; from top-of-the-class college students to teacher experts and state examiners, we've got the best people on board to help you learn.

Liam teaches biology and chemistry at Belvedere College, Dublin. Liam is a graduate of NUI, Galway with an honours degree in Biochemistry (2005) and a PGCE from the University of Wales, Cardiff (2007). Liam is an experienced examiner and his mantra is "there is no substitute for hard work".

With 20+ years of experience helping students get the best mark possible in Biology, Lorraine currently teaches in St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Tulla, Co. Clare.

Alan teaches chemistry and maths at the Royal and Prior Comprehensive School in Raphoe, Donegal, and has over 10 years of teaching experience. Alan's mantra is "Don't practise until you get it right, practise until you can't get it wrong". This saying goes hand in hand with getting a good maths result. You can never do enough questions and the beauty of the subject is that it will eventually sink in.

Stephen is a Mathematics & Coding teacher at Dundalk Grammar School. Stephen tutors maths at Maynooth University’s Mathematics Support Centre and is also an examiner. Having a huge passion for teaching maths, Stephen believes that with the right guidance and attitude, everyone can enjoy and succeed in maths.

Having qualified with a degree in Zoology, Luke became a science, maths and biology teacher in Sligo. While founding Studyclix, Luke continued to teach and lead hundreds of students towards high marks. His love for nature and living things makes him a passionate Biology teacher, ready to help you ace your exams.

Jamie has multiple degrees and qualifications under his belt, including a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts with English and History, and master's degrees in Modern English Literature, and also Leadership & Management in Education. Jamie has corrected at both Junior and Leaving Certificate levels since 2010. When not shaping young minds, he surfs and plays golf (badly and without grace!)

Teaching chemistry, maths and science at Temple Carrig School, Greystones, Conor has experience correcting exams and helps Studyclix with our content around science and maths.

After completing a master's and two postgrads at UCC, Conor now teaches at Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig. He has over 9 years of experience in teaching and has corrected state examinations at both JC and LC level

With more than 8 years of experience in teaching, Linda now teaches in Mercy College, Sligo and is a state examiner for JC Home Economics. Linda's motto is "Believe in yourself and you are halfway there".

Laura has over 15 years' experience as a teacher and is currently teaching History and English in St. Caimin's Community School, Co. Clare. She is also co-author of 'Junior Cycle Success' for English. In her spare time, she loves to golf and is an amateur drama enthusiast.

With of 10 years of experience teaching english and having corrected state exams, Peter knows a thing or two about how to succeed in your LC English exam. He now teaches in Cork Educate Together Secondary School and helps to create our LC English video and podcast content.

Gemma worked for many years as Laboratory Analyst before finding her calling as a science teacher. Gemma loves living on the west coast of Ireland as this allows her to engage in her favourite obsession, surfing. All year round you will find Gemma and her longboard taking advantage of Ireland’s perfect waves.

Studyclix Mathematics and Economics at NUIG, Matthew helps students improve their maths skills through helpful tutorial videos. Some of his accolades include the NUI Galway Scholar of Excellence and the Irish Tax Institute Scholarship 2020.

A H1 maths student all through school, Sean has worked with Studyclix since 2017 creating maths video solutions that help so many students get through the JC and LC Maths courses. Now studying maths and computer science in Belfast, Sean has discovered the transformative potential of technology and has a real passion for helping others discover what makes Maths beautiful.

Tara has experience tutoring in Irish & Spanish at primary, 2nd and 3rd level education. A fluent Irish speaker and proficient Spanish speaker, she also promotes Irish as a member of Gaelbhratach Committee, Ógras, Gaeilge le Cill Dara, Coiste Seachtain na Gaeilge Nás na Ríogh, Tuismitheoirí le Gaeilge Cill Dara and Glór an Churraighis. She is also the founder of Club Obair Bhaile Gaeilge. Her passion above all is promoting Irish.

Having earned 625 points in the Leaving Cert, Matthew now studies Theoretical Physics at Trinity College Dublin and helps us to create content for Studyclix's maths solution videos.

Cliona graduated from Coláiste Choilm with 625 points and is now doing Sport Studies and Physical Education with Mathematics at UCC, where she got a scholarship to study there. She's also won a Cork ETB award and helps Studyclix with our maths content.

Ellen is a motivated learner with a particular interest in Music. She has worked for us since graduating from Tullamore College in 2021 and helps create blog content while maintaining existing site content.

Lauren has always possessed a natural curiosity for mathematics and the sciences and is passionate about educating/inspiring people in these fields. Picking up multiple awards and scholarships throughout her academic career, Lauren graduated from Dominican College with 625 points and is now studying Theoretical Physics at Trinity College Dublin.

After receiving 625 points in the Leaving, Emily is now studying Medicine. She loves the idea of working with people and having the ability to impact peoples' lives in such a positive and life-changing way. At Studyclix, she helps us with our Biology content.

Studying Law with Irish on the UCD Irish Language Residence Scheme Scholarship, Louise helps Studyclix create and edit content as Gaeilge for the site and also runs LC Irish oral workshops in schools around Dublin in her spare time.

Mark is studying Engineering with Management at Trinity and was awarded the Naughton Scholarship and the Trinity 'Entrance Exhibition Award' (2021). Mark went to Coláiste Rís, Dundalk, Co. Louth and received 8 H1s in his Leaving Certificate, awarding him a maximum of 625 points.

After graduating from St. Peter's College, Wexford with 625 points and 6 Academic Awards, Ronan is now studying Psychology at UCD. Having sat the JC using conventional study advice and not achieving the best marks as a result, Ronan was compelled to find what study methods work for him. Finding them helped him achieve 625 points in the Leaving and now he's motivated to teach these principles to other JC and LC students — always catering to their unique circumstances.
You can find Ronan over on Instagram @taughttolearn and he also offers private grinds.

Having received H1s in both maths and physics and currently studying them at UCC, Aisling is a perfect candidate to teach you how to do well in these subjects: "Maths and physics are far more interesting than they are difficult which makes the work you put into them worthwhile!"
Aisling is also a rugby player and is on the Physics and Astronomy Society's committee at UCC.

Having completed the Leaving Certificate in 2023 with 625 points, Rhia is now studying Actuarial Science and Risk Management in college and can apply her passion for maths to the real world!
In her spare time, she likes to meet up with friends and play football.

Rosha achieved 625 points in the 2022 Leaving Cert and is now studying medicine at Trinity. She loves science, particularly biology and chemistry, and has given grinds in these subjects since leaving school. She won a highly commended award at the BT Young Scientist in 2020, and in her spare time loves playing music, specifically the piano.

Barbara received 625 points in the Leaving Cert and is currently an Ad Astra Academic Scholar on a scholarship at UCD, studying engineering. She always loved maths and physics the most in school; "it was my way of understanding how the world around me worked".

Having taught Irish at secondary level, Áine is now the Executive Assistant in Lárionad na Gaeilge at Maynooth University. She also has undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in Nua-Ghaeilge from the same university. A published Irish poet, Áine enjoys the creative aspects of the language and her 'grá' for Gaeilge can be seen in many of our Irish grammar videos.

Conor teaches Irish and Geography at Skerries Community College, Dublin. Conor has 10+ years of teaching experience and correcting experience. Conor has multiple degrees under his belt including a bachelor's degree in Irish and Geography, a post-graduate degree in Education (Gaeilge) and a Masters of Science in Education, Training Management (Leadership).

Clíodhna has multiple qualifications under her belt including a BA in Maths and Irish from UCC, a Postgraduate Diploma from Trinity and a Masters in Education from Mary Immaculate College. Currently working in Carrigaline Community School, Clíodhna has over ten years of teaching experience and has corrected Irish orals at state exam level. Tune in to her podcast series, "Daly Dose of Gaeilge" on Spotify and iTunes for tips and advice on the Irish Leaving Cert course.

Diarmuid has taught Irish for over twenty years and has corrected state exams at both Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle levels. His qualifications include a BA (Hons) in Irish and English, a Masters in Nua-Ghaeilge and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education.

Máire, a native Irish speaker with numerous qualifications and awards under her belt has experience working for TG4 as a Language Advisor and presents an Irish language children's show called "Teach Spraoi". Check out her Irish content on Instagram and TikTok: @Maire_NiChurraoin