For Students

By using a school email address to access this service, a school-arranged upgrade/licence may be applied to your account and you will enter into a service paid for by your school. If, by using your school email and logging in to Studyclix, you enter into the schools paid service, certain limited data will be shared with your school to confirm that you have accessed the licence.  


Information we share with your school (principal and teachers or authorised person) when a school licence has been assigned to your account includes your name (first name and surname), your school email address, and school year).


Other usage of Studyclix will be shared with your school on an aggregated basis so that your personal data will not be identifiable.  We do not share information about how often you use Studyclix. An upgrade gives you additional access to content and tools on Studyclix.


If you do not want a school-arranged upgrade to be applied to your account and your information shared with the school, do NOT proceed to access or otherwise use any of our Services using your school email address.


You may also have been provided with a Studyclix 'access code' by your school. By entering an access code on Studyclix, you are entering into a service paid for by your school and this means that certain limited data (first name and surname, school email address, and school year) will be shared with your school to confirm that you have accessed the upgrade/licence.  If you do not want a school-arranged upgrade to be applied to your account and your information shared with the school, do NOT proceed to access or otherwise use any of our Services using your school email address.


In order to fully understand your rights, we encourage you to read both the Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.