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Subject Guides
How to get a Distinction in Junior Cycle Home Economics
By Megan Thornton - 2 minute read
Junior Cycle Home Ec is a fantastic all-around subject that teaches you a lot of practical skills you can use now and later in life. However, it is a lot more than just cooking! There is a lot of information but don't let that put you off. Linda, an experienced teacher and state examiner for JC Home EC, has written our subject guide sharing her top tips on how to do your best in it!
Home Economics is assessed through two classroom-based assessments (CBAs), a practical cookery exam and a final written exam. The CBAs do not go towards your final grade but you will be given a descriptor based on your level of achievement. This is explained below. The cookery exam is worth 50% and the written exam is also worth 50%.
Know the exam layout
The exam is very straightforward and will go towards 50% of your final grade. It takes place in June and is a common-level exam lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. It has two sections and you should always highlight the keywords in each question and be very clear on what you are being asked.
The sections are:
Section A
This section is worth 80 marks and contains 10 short questions (8 marks each) and you must answer every question.
Section B
This section is worth 240 marks and contains 3 longer style questions (80 marks each) with a number of sub-parts - a,b,c etc. in each. You must answer every question.
Know your timings
The written exam is 1hr 30 minutes long and I would advise that you divide your time as follows:
First 5 minutes:
Fill in your exam number and date of birth
Read through your questions carefully
Highlight keywords and phrases in each question
Next 30 minutes
Spent 3 minutes on each short question
Complete all short questions- you don't have a choice!
For the next 45 minutes:
Spend 15 minutes on each long question
The long questions usually have 5 /6 smaller questions within each one- make sure you answer all parts
For the last 10 minutes
Read over the paper from start to finish
Read the questions again and make sure you have interpreted them properly
Add anything extra- there is more space in the back of the exam booklet. Make sure to label it with the exam number and part - eg e)
General Study tips
Make sure you know the Nutrition section inside out. This section is well worth investing your time in as you can tie this information into many of the food-related.
Have a flick through the Irish Independent newspaper, download the app or follow it on social media for information on health and nutrition, recent surveys that have been carried out etc. You may be able to utilise some of the information or statistics to support your answers.
Using Studyclix
Use Studyclix to practice past exam papers as examiners often re-use questions from other years and this is the best way to prepare yourself.The
The quizzes feature on Studyclix is also an excellent feature to help you to revise particular topics.
To read all of Linda's tips on how to do well in Junior Cycle Home Economics, click the attachement below.
To hear Linda give some extra tips on how to do well, listen to our new podcast below!